Sunday, July 24, 2011


Nutrizyme is perfect for the whole family!

Nutrizyme is an ENZYME, protein molecules that carry a vital energy factor needed for every chemical action and reaction that occurs in our bodies.
We need wide varieties of enzymes to digest and disintergrate food and toxin particles.
Enzymes are so important to help us in the following factor:-
1)Poorly digested starch that will ferment in our body system that causes gfas and other discomfort
2)Poorly digested protein in our body system that causes indigestion and toxicity
3)Poorly digested fat that turn rancid in our body system that causes pungent odors, and poor cholesterol balance
It's truly an Essential Enzymes for Daily Living! ie. Essential Metabolism, Energy Production, Cleansing of Blood & Overall Health.

6g x 20 sachets


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